VIDIUS. For every student of Utrecht

Financial support

Starting your student life brings with it a lot of financial changes. What are the study costs? How much money should you borrow? Should you stay at home or move out? What are the costs that are tied to that? Should you go look for a part-time job or not? As a student you’ll have to answer all these new questions regarding finance. It is important to have a clear overview of your revenue and expenditure. Luckily, there are different institutions that can help you out.


The Nibud

The Nibud is an independent institution that undertakes research into the financial matters of a private household and provides information and advice. Think of subjects like saving and borrowing money and getting by with what you have. All of this is meant to improve your control over your own money. You can ask Nibud all of your money related questions, just email them or make a call on workdays between 9:00 and 13:00 (number: +31 30-2391350).


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