Sometimes you encounter difficulties during your study and you want help from within your University or school. Educational institutions offer numerous forms of guidance and counselling. As a student, it is important to know who you can talk to during your time at your chosen university or school.

At the beginning of your study you’ll be appointed a tutor together with a group of other students. Usually, this is a teacher also teaching in the first year. The tutor is your first contact and can help you make decisions involving your study programme. He or she will make sure you feel welcome and at home at your new study.
Student mentor
Some studies link a student (student mentor) to a tutor, who helps them out in any way they can. These are senior students who can give you study advice and who can answer all your questions about your study, the university and the student life in Utrecht.
Study advisor
Every study has its own study advisors. They can give you more information on the education and exam system, the Binding Study Recommendation (Bindend Studie Advies) and everything there is to know about graduating. If you’re dealing with personal problems or unique family circumstances that affect your study progress, the study advisor is your first contact. You can find the contact information of your study advisor on the webpage of your study. He or she can also refer you to other counsellors.
More information on study guidance at the UU:
Career path counsellor
During your study you’ll be appointed a permanent counsellor that you can always turn to for guidance and serves as a first contact. The student counsellor is primarily meant for study related questions, like development of your (career)skills, study progress and results. The student counsellor can refer you to the student dean if necessary.
Student dean
The student dean helps out students experiencing unique circumstances. You can think of prolonged and chronic sickness, disabilities, psychological problems, unique family circumstances, financial troubles due to unforeseen circumstances and matters revolving around appeal. With the backing of the student dean, the student can ask for means of minimizing study delay, such as extra guidance or extra time during exams. The student dean is not allowed to give information to any third parties and is also not involved in the study and its student evaluations. This means you can speak freely.
Do you want to make an appointment with the student dean? Send an email to the dean’s office of your study. Shortly summarize what you want to talk about and give him or her some time and dates that you would be available. This will ensure you can find a suitable appointment as soon as possible.
More information on student counselling at the HU: